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Irish Association

For Economic Geology

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The IAEG was founded in 1973 as a body with the goal of providing a professional association for geoscientists in Ireland.

At present the membership, which stands at over 200, includes many geologists working in industry, at universities and in the state sector, at home and abroad.

A ten-member Council runs the Association on a voluntary basis. Regular activities include lecture meetings (many given by invited overseas speakers) and an annual weekend course. Field tours at home and abroad are arranged for the membership. 

The Association maintains standing committees on matters of relevance to the industry and is represented on the National Committee for Geology and the Institute of Geologists of Ireland.

The Association helped to organise the professional title of European Geologist which is recognised throughout the world and is a major sponsor for the newly inaugurated Institute of Geologists of Ireland which is now the body which deals with professional affairs for Irish Geoscientists.

The Association welcomes visiting economic geologists to Ireland and is pleased to advise visitors on access to mineral deposits or localities.

Further information can be obtained from: Ally Barrow, President, Irish Association for Economic Geology e-mail:

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